Welcome to the website of the Old Felicians’ Club; together, we are happy through strength.


All ex-pupils of all eras are automatically members of the OFC
- it does not matter how much of your education was received at Saint Felix or how long it is since you left or have been in touch with us.

The OFC is your alumni association and exists for your benefit. Furthermore, no subscription is required, all we need to know are your contact details so that we can inform about events, reunions etc via the annual newsletters and the website. We particularly welcome hearing from OFs who may have dropped off the radar for years or possibly even decades (!); younger OFs who have left the school relatively recently may find the OFC a valuable method of making links with other OFs both of their year groups and older who work in the same career areas. This is an 'informal' organisation which exists purely for the benefit and enjoyment of its members; it is not a fund-raising organisation although any donations or bequests to the Isabella Gardiner Trust are much appreciated as they can help current Felicians to access educational opportunities which they might otherwise be unable to afford. We look forward to OFs renewing their contact with us and sharing information about their lives post-Saint Felix.