It was standing room only at the memorial service to celebrate the life of Alex Langham which was held at St. Andrew’s Church, Walberswick on Friday, 22nd April at 3.00pm. Alex died at the age of 28 following a tragic accident. His short lived life burned bright and lit up the lives of many friends in and around Suffolk and Chichester as well as the lives of his family. Guests were asked to dress bright and Alex’s friends from Chichester wore colourful shirts in tribute to Alex’s questionable fashion sense. The service was conducted by Reverend Simon Pitcher and there were readings and tributes from friends and family members including his dad, Tony. Tony shared stories including trips abroad and football matches with his two sons. A poem written by Emma Spore, a friend from Saint Felix, was read by Hugo Minta, another friend from school. After the service there was food and drinks at the Anchor in the village - as that’s what Alex would have wanted. It was a sad day but a great send off for a person who lived life to the fullest and brought so much happiness into the lives of others.
Anya King

Alex joined Saint Felix for his Sixth Form studies in September 2011 and soon established himself as a popular member of his peer group. He was always affable, sociable and highly creative with his excuses for missed deadlines!
Fran D’Alcorn




Anniversary Lunch - March 2022